Reporting on our Webinar with Farmers Weekly

Farmer Weekly Webinar on Demand

On Thursday 11th March we joined forces with Farmers Weekly as part of their ‘Ask the…’ Q&A Series to host ‘Ask the Land Promoter’. With over 280 registrants, we were thrilled with how the webinar went and are pleased to provide some feedback.
With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, our very own Leadership team, Dan O’Donnell, Nick Carr and Dan Hatcher hosted the webinar. The intention was to provide Farmers Weekly audience with upfront and transparent answers to any questions they had surrounding land promotion and its process. The audience were able to send in their questions and take part in two interactive polls, allowing us to understand the type of people attending and their understanding of land promotion.

How it went

Initially the team ran through a short presentation of slides to give the audience an overview of the services we offer at Rosconn Strategic Land. This gave a brief description of our mission statement and the process we follow with each Landowner when working towards planning permission and maximising their land value.

Nick, our Operations Director, took over to explain the process Rosconn use when working with Clients and some key things to consider when partnering with a Land Promoter.  At this point we wanted to highlight to the audience our professional and carefully considered approach to Land Promotion, explaining why this allows them to navigate through the process with constant provision from our team and all at NO financial risk to themselves.
Our Planning Director, Dan Hatcher, then walked the audience through some of our recent case studies to give an insight into what can be achieved when working with Rosconn Strategic Land. Dan displayed the successes of sites in Graze Hill, Langford, and Honeybourne.

Farmers Weekly Rosconn team

Poll Results and Live Q&A

Our interactive polls allowed us to understand the audience and helped give an insight into the priorities of Landowners.

Founder and Managing Director, Dan O’Donnell went on to lead the live Q&A passing questions between the hosts sent in from the audience. This included FAQs such as:

  • How do I choose the right land promoter?
  • Can greenbelt land ever be built on?
  • Would Rosconn consider promoting land previously rejected for planning permission?

We had so many great questions from our audience, Rosconn were thrilled with the engagement  received.  So pleased with the success of our first webinar that we look forward to hosting the next in the series of 4 in June.

If you missed the Webinar click the graphic below and catch episode 1 On Demand.

On Demand Rosconn Ask the promoter 1200x628

We aim to make this process as simple and stress free as possible for all landowners.

To get a greater understanding of Rosconn Strategic Land and what we do, please take a look at our website, other case studies and news articles.

Alternatively, please contact us, we would be delighted to hear from you!

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