Appeal Allowed at Elsenham for 40 home scheme

elsenham site plan

Rosconn are delighted to announce that our appeal at Rush Lane, Elsenham has been allowed following a virtual hearing last month.

elsenham site plan

Uttlesford District Council’s Planning Committee refused planning permission of the site in November 2019. That vote was contrary to their Planning Officer’s recommendation for approval. The site was at the time draft allocated in the emerging Local Plan. The Local Plan was ultimately withdraw following the first stage of its examination.

Noting that the authorities time expired Local Plan had been ‘out of date for longer than it was in date’, the Inspector concluded that the adverse impacts of the proposal would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the substantial benefits which would arise from this development.  The provision of both market and affordable housing attracted substantial weight in a district with an acknowledged acute shortage of market and affordable housing.

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